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funky ferret studios "surreal imaginative, loud, play




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Tom McKinnon is a general artist, illustrator, designer, and percussionist. He was born and raised in the beautiful mountains and plains near Denver, Colorado. He has also briefly lived in Kansas, Washington state, and spent 5 years in Greeley. He was a curious young lad who occasionally got himself into mild trouble. Sometime during his youth he picked up a pair of drumsticks, and art supplies and started down the path of Art and music. Shortly after high school the seeds for the idea of Funky-Ferret Studios, (shortened to FF studios; FF being an abbreviation for the Latin musical term Fortissimo thus reaffirming his musical identity and desire to show a strong voice in his art as well) was born.

It was during his time studying art at UNC that Tom's ideas started to come into fruition, as he fed his brain in Liberal studies, long discussions, and philosophical meanderings. Logically then, it can be said that Tom's current Artistic drives show some of his views on philosophy, religion, metaphysics, the environment, nature, politics, symbols, surrealism, dreams and subjective mind States. Tom wants to continue to pursue art, and loves the freedom of expression that comes through creating in any form. Tom obtained his BA in art From UNC in Greeley 2007, and is now residing in Denver. He is working on his BFA in illustration at RMCAD, and will soon graduate, ready for more artistic challenges as an artist and designer.

BLOG: http://www.tom-mckinnon-funky-ferretstudios.com





(970) 313-3802

Images © 2009 Tom McKinnon, All rights Reserved.

BMC & FF Drum Edit 1